Mutation - part 3: Aliased Mutability

Interior Mutability

Aliased data

We say that data is aliased / shared when it may be accessed from multiple variables or places:

Aliasing can be necessary, for instance, when sharing data across threads. Imagine, for instance, that you have a big String that you want to read from across two places (in this case, two different threads), and you don’t want to needlessly copy it. The solution? You borrow it twice by creating two &shared String references out of it, and then proceed to move each one to each thread.

 1use ::std::{thread, time::Duration};
 2use ::crossbeam::thread::scope;
 4fn main ()
 6    let big_string: String = "SPAM".repeat(1_000);
 7    let ref_1: &/*shared*/ String = &big_string;
 8    let ref_2: &/*shared*/ String = &big_string;
10    scope(move /* ref_1 and ref_2 */ |scope| {
11        // Thread1
12        scope.spawn(move /* ref_1 */ |_| {
13            read_string(ref_1);
14        });
15        // Thread2
16        scope.spawn(move /* ref_2 */ |_| {
17            read_string(ref_2);
18        });
19    })  // automagically joins all the scoped threads
20        .expect("Some thread panicked");
23fn read_string (s: &/* shared */ String)
25    let thread_id = thread::current().id();
26    println!(
27        "[{:?}] Reading s = {:?}",
28        thread_id,
29        *s, // read the string data
30    );

As you can see, Rust does not complain, even though, at the highlighted lines, big_string is borrowed twice in an overlapping (aliasing) manner: for their virtue of being shared, shared references can overlap and be copied (&T : Copy).

This is the closest thing to most non-Rust programmers’ intuition about pointers: as long as the pointee exists and does not move, we can have as many pointers to the pointee as we wish.

What has mutation to do with all this?

Well, in most programming languages, we are allowed to mutate the pointee even when there are multiple pointers pointing to the same pointee! (the only thing forbidden being to simultaneously read and write a value: a data race).

Take, for instance, the following C code:

#include <stdio.h>

// Perfectly valid C code.
int main (void)
    int x = 42;
    int * p1 = &x;
    int * p2 = &x;
    *p2 = *p2 + 27;
    printf("x = %d\n", *p1);
    return 0;

As you can see, in a language such as C, it is perfectly valid to:

  1. have multiple mutable references aliasing the same thing,

  2. use one of the references (here, p2) to mutate the pointee,

  3. and use the other reference (p1).

This example will suffice to prove that:

&mut _ does not correspond to what most programmers mean by “mutable reference”

Indeed, if it were the case, then we should be able to rewrite the C code (which –let me remind you– is correct and valid) in Rust in the following fashion:

type int = i32;

fn main ()
    let mut x: int = 42;
    let p1: &mut int = &mut x;
    let p2: &mut int = &mut x;
    *p2 = *p2 + 27;
    println!("x = {}", *p1);

And yet such code fails to compile, because, as said in the previous part, &mut is the type of unique references, and since p1 and p2 overlap, claiming that they are the unique holder of the address of x is a lie that Rust spots easily.

Can we rewrite it in Rust?

So, since C code can always be rewritten with (unsafe) Rust, we may then think that expressing “p1 is not being used while x is mutated through p2” needs raw pointers:

type int = i32;

fn main ()
    let mut x: int = 42;
    let p1: *mut int = &mut x;
    let p2: &mut int = &mut x;
    *p2 = *p2 + 27;
    println!("x = {}", unsafe { *p1 });

The above program compiles without any warning whatsoever, so everything is fine with this Brave New Idiom. Hooray!

This definitely deserves a good cup of coffee.

Let’s take our sweet time to drink it.

Cup of Undefined Behavior Coffee

Yep. I said that the unicity property was a false claim and a lie, and instead of fixing it, we just decided to go and lie in a more insidious way, abusing Rust’s unsafe trust.

To see why this is UB, there is something that even most Rust programmers are not aware of:

Between the time a reference / pointer is created and the last time it is used, there is no difference, aliasing-wise, between a borrowing reference and a raw pointer2.

So, back to the problem of expressing aliased mutation in Rust,

int x = 42;
int * p1 = &x;
int * p2 = &x;
*p2 = *p2 + 27;
printf("x = %d\n", *p1);

what is the answer?

For that, we need to think about our situation:

we need to mutate something through a reference that may be is aliased, and we know this is valid because for the duration of the mutation (through p2), we know that the other pointer / reference, p1, is not being dereferenced, so no data race is possible.

This is exactly what UnsafeCell is for!

use ::core::cell::UnsafeCell;

type int = i32;

fn main ()
    let x: UnsafeCell<int> = UnsafeCell::new(42);
    let p1: &UnsafeCell<int> = &x;
    let p2: &UnsafeCell<int> = &x;
    unsafe {
        *p2.get() = *p2.get() + 27;
        println!("x = {}", *p1.get());

To better understand this code, let’s rename UnsafeCell to Mut, and explicit when the dereference (*_.get()) is used to read and write:

type int = i32;

fn main ()
    use lib::Mut;
    let x: Mut<int> = Mut::new(42);
    let p1: &Mut<int> = &x;
    let p2: &Mut<int> = &x;
    unsafe {
        p2.set(p2.get() + 27);
        println!("x = {}", p1.get());

/// Mut implementation
mod lib {
    use ::core::{cell::UnsafeCell, ptr};

    struct Mut<T> /* = */ (

    impl<T> Mut<T> {
        fn new (value: T) -> Self

        fn get (self: &'_ Self) -> T

        /// Look, mutation through a shared reference
        fn set (self: &'_ Self, value: T)
            ptr::write(self.0.get(), value);
Cell: when UnsafeCell is not unsafe

It turns out that the .get() and set() methods above can soundly be marked non-unsafe, provided some additional guarantee:

  1. For it to be sound, .get() and .set() cannot be called in parallel (else we would have a data race).

    • But .get() and .set() being called in parallel requires there being shared references to the same cell from multiple threads.

      And since UnsafeCell<T> : !Sync, this is not possible.

  2. .get() may cause a double free if T has drop glue.

    • This can be fixed by adding a T : Copy bound, since then there cannot be such drop glue.

TL,DR: given a wrapper around UnsafeCell (thus guaranteed not to be Sync), the .get() and .set() methods are sound (and thus do not require to be marked unsafe), provided there is a T : Copy bound on .get().

We can now write down a non-unsafe solution to our problem.


#![forbid(unsafe_code)] // no more unsafe, we promise

use ::core::cell::Cell;

type int = i32;

fn main ()
    let x: Cell<int> = Cell::new(42);
    let p1: &Cell<int> = &x;
    let p2: &Cell<int> = &x;
    p2.set(p2.get() + 27);
    println!("x = {}", p1.get());

As you can see, UnsafeCell is a mutability wrapper, providing the raw (and thus unsafe) semantics of C: mutation through a shared reference. In other words,

Interior Mutability

Interior Mutability: mutation through a shared reference

Remember, the signature of UnsafeCell::get is:

&UnsafeCell<T> -> *mut T

which means that an UnsafeCell<_> wraps data and provides a (*mut) handle to its interior, with which we can mutate the wrapped data: the interior of the wrapper is mutable, even when the reference to the UnsafeCell<_> is not guaranteed to be unique.

The fact is that – whether with Cell<int> (which is a (safe) wrapper for UnsafeCell) or UnsafeCell directly – we have:

mutable aliased reference to a T == &UnsafeCell<T>

And more generally, any wrapper that may allow mutation through a non-unique reference will wrap the part that can be mutated in an UnsafeCell.

In other words: there cannot be interior mutability / aliased mutability without UnsafeCell.

Mutable fields

So, for those wondering how to express in Rust that a particular field in a struct is mutable, the answer is:

Example: Rc

Rc is a smart pointer offering shared ownership. That is, even if you own a Rc<T>, you may not be the only one having access to the pointee T. Hence:

The runtime check and general functionality of Rc is described by its name: reference counting.

That is, a3 counter is appended to the pointee (in heap memory), initially set to 1 by Rc::new.

Then, each time Rc::clone() is called, that counter is incremented; and every time a Rc is dropped, that counter is decremented. Unicity can thus be known at runtime by reading that counter.

But incrementing a counter means mutating it, and Clone::clone signature only requires a shared reference on its input!

Yes, it is time for Aliased Mutability to shine:

use ::std::{

/// This is the layout of the value in the heap:
struct RefCounted<T> {
    /// The value itself
    value: T,

    /// with a counter next to it
    counter: Cell<usize>, // "mutable" thanks to the `Cell`

/// A Rc<T> is a pointer to a heap-allocated value and a counter.
struct BasicRc<T> {
    ptr: *const RefCounted<T>,

impl<T> BasicRc<T> {
    fn new (value: T) -> Self
        // append a new counter to the value
        let value_with_counter = RefCounted {
            counter: Cell::new(1),
        // let's move it into to heap:
        let boxed_value_with_counter: Box<RefCounted<T>> =
        // since we will be the ones managing the memory,
        // let's extract the underlying raw pointer:
        let raw_ptr = Box::into_raw(boxed_value_with_counter);
        // and return
        Self {
            ptr: raw_ptr,

    // private
    fn at_counter (self: &'_ Self) -> &'_ Cell<usize>
        unsafe {

impl<T> Deref for BasicRc<T> {
    type Target = T;

    /// While `Self` is borrowed it is sound to borrow the value,
    /// but only in a shared fashion.
    fn deref (self: &'_ Self) -> &'_ T
        unsafe {

impl<T> Clone for BasicRc<T> {
    fn clone (self: &'_ Self) -> Self
        let at_counter: &Cell<usize> = self.at_counter();
        // increment counter
                .expect("Counter integer overflow")
        // having incremented the counter, we can copy the pointer
        Self {
            ptr: self.ptr,

impl<T> Drop for BasicRc<T> {
    fn drop (self: &'_ mut Self)
        let at_counter: &Cell<usize> = self.at_counter();
        // decrement counter (no need to check for underflow)
        at_counter.set(at_counter.get() - 1);
        // the counter is 0 if and only if we are the last owner
        if at_counter.get() == 0 {
            // since we are the last owner,
            // we are back to being just a Box:
            let boxed_value_with_counter = unsafe {
                Box::from_raw(self.ptr as *mut _)
            // time to deallocate, by dropping the `Box`


This trait was quickly mentioned before when talking about why / how Cell is sound despite it allowing mutation through an aliased / shared reference.

Data Race

This happens when a place in memory is being read4 at the same time that it is being written to, which can lead to extraneous values being read and thus nasty bugs.

Basic Example (race condition)

use ::crossbeam::{

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Twins {
    thomson: AtomicCell<bool>,
    thompson: AtomicCell<bool>,

impl Twins {
    /// The struct invariant: `thomson == thompson`
    fn assert_equal (self: &'_ Self)
        if self.thomson.load() != self.thompson.load() {
            eprintln!("Error, twins are not equal");
            ::std::process::abort(); // kill all threads

    fn set_all (self: &'_ Self, value: bool)

fn main ()
    let twins = Twins::default();
    thread::scope(|scope| {
        scope.spawn(|_| {
            // Thread 1
            loop {
        scope.spawn(|_| {
            // Thread 2
            let mut next = true;
            loop {
                next = !next;
    }).expect("Some thread panicked");

I won’t go into the details of the above code (which uses an external crate for convenience5), but suffices to say that the above code, while being memory-safe (it compiles with no unsafe used), does suffer from a race condition: even though the Twins are only modified through a method that sets both fields to the same value, their “all the fields have the same value” invariant is temporarily broken in between.

Since the struct is Sync (i.e., it can be shared across multiple threads without possibly causing memory unsafety), I was able to share it across two threads, resulting in one of them witnessing the temporary broken state of the other:

Data races and memory safety

In a similar fashion race condition also exist at the hardware level – called data races: imagine a shared 32-bit integer where only two values can be written to it:

Let’s see what can happen when these writes are not atomic, and happen instead, 16 bits at a time (for instance6). If, at the same time, another thread of execution reads this shared integer, then it may end up reading a bit-pattern with 16 zeroes followed by 16 ones, or viceversa; resulting in it reading the value 65535_i32 or -65536_i32.

The fact that the compiler does not guarantee any form of atomicity for standard reads and writes (for the sake of performance) makes this kind of situation –a data race– be Undefined Behavior:

Undefined Behavior

This is what the Sync trait (and the underlying Send) is for:

a type is Sync if it can be (safely) shared across multiple threads.

This distinction is what makes it safe to have non-thread-safe Interior Mutability, since by virtue of not being !Sync, Rust also forbids sharing such values:

use ::std::cell::Cell;
use ::crossbeam::thread;

fn main ()
    let x: Cell<i32> = Cell::new(0);
    thread::scope(|scope| {
        scope.spawn(|_| {
            // Thread 1
            let mut next = !0;
            loop {
                x.set(next); // &Cell<i32> mutation
                next = !next;
        scope.spawn(|_| {
            // Thread 2
            let x = x.get(); // &Cell<i32> read
            if x != 0 && x != !0 {
                eprintln!("UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR");
    }).expect("Some thread panicked");

Okay, now that we have seen how interior mutability allows to mutate certain values despite their being aliased, and how this interacts with multi-threaded memory safety, it is time for an exhaustive list of std’s …

Safe abstractions offering Aliased Mutability

TRefCell<T>RwLock<T> (and Mutex<T>)
T : CopyCell<T>X
pointerCell<*mut T>AtomicPtr

!Sync wrappers (restricted to a single thread):

Sync wrappers (usable across multiple threads)

Application: safe global mutable state

Easy, the language itself offers static mut!

Do. Not. Use. static mut. Ever.

One does not simply `static mut`

Indeed, mutating a static mut has the (dis)honor of belonging to the room7 of Rust ill-designed patterns: doing it soundly is near impossible. It will be deprecated in favor of an equivalent but safer construct8.

After all we have been through, it should now be easy to intuitively grasp why static mut is an UB bomb in the Rust world:

The solution –you guessed it– is UnsafeCell:

Mutable static vars are, this way, less insane to use, since we can reuse the safe UnsafeCell-based constructs seen above –actually only the Sync ones, since a static is accessible from any thread:

In general, I’d still advise against using globale mutable state, since we humans9 are quite bad at non-local reasoning. However, in some simple cases, it can be better than the cumbersome pattern of expliciting the additional parameter everywhere.

One such example is a logger.

Concrete example: our own basic logger


#[macro_use] pub
mod logger {
    use ::std::{*,

    enum LoggerTarget {

    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
    enum LogLevel {
        Error = 1,

    static LOG_LEVEL: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(0);

    ::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
        static ref LOGGER: Mutex<LoggerTarget> =

    fn set_level (log_level: LogLevel)
    { as u8, Ordering::SeqCst);

    fn disable ()
        match LOGGER.lock() {
            | Ok(mut logger) => {
      , Ordering::SeqCst);
                *logger = LoggerTarget::Disabled;
            | Err(_) => {
                panic!("Logger was poisoned");

    fn target_stderr ()
        *LOGGER.lock().expect("Logger was poisoned") =

    fn target_file (
        filename: impl AsRef<path::Path>,
    ) -> io::Result<()>
        let file =
        let logger_target = LoggerTarget::File(file);
        *LOGGER.lock().expect("Logger was poisoned") =

    macro_rules! log {(
        $level:expr, $($message:tt)*
    ) => (if {
        ) >= ($level as u8)
    } {
        use ::std::io::Write;
        use $crate::logger::{
        let mut logger =
                .expect("Logger was poisoned")
        match &mut *logger as &mut LoggerTarget {
            | &mut LoggerTarget::Disabled => {},
            | &mut LoggerTarget::Stderr => {
            | &mut LoggerTarget::File(ref mut file) => {
                writeln!(file, $($message)*)
                    .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                        *logger = LoggerTarget::Stderr;
                            "Writing to log file failed: {}",



Remember when I said that we needed to use Sync-hronised Aliased Mutability for a global variable? It turns out that std offers another “global” construct:

thread_local!(static ...)

A static declaration wrapped in that macro will create a “thread-local static“:

Example: thread_local! logger


#[macro_use] pub
mod logger {
    use ::std::{*,

    enum LoggerTarget {

    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
    enum LogLevel {
        Error = 1,

    thread_local! {
        static LOG_LEVEL: Cell<u8> = Cell::new(0);

        static LOGGER: RefCell<LoggerTarget> =

    fn set_level (new_log_level: LogLevel)
        LOG_LEVEL.with(move |log_level| {
            log_level.set(new_log_level as u8);

    fn disable ()
        LOG_LEVEL.with(|log_level| {
        LOGGER.with(|logger| {
            *logger.borrow_mut() = LoggerTarget::Disabled;

    fn target_stderr ()
        LOGGER.with(|logger| {
            *logger.borrow_mut() = LoggerTarget::Stderr;

    fn target_file (
        filename: impl AsRef<path::Path>,
    ) -> io::Result<()>
        LOGGER.with(move |logger| {
            let file =
            let logger_target = LoggerTarget::File(file);
            *logger.borrow_mut() = logger_target;

    macro_rules! log {(
        $level:expr, $($message:tt)*
    ) => (if {
        ) >= ($level as u8)
    } {
        use ::std::io::Write;
        use $crate::logger::{
        LOGGER.with(|logger| {
            let mut logger = logger.borrow_mut();
            match &mut *logger as &mut LoggerTarget {
                | &mut LoggerTarget::Disabled => {},
                | &mut LoggerTarget::Stderr => {
                | &mut LoggerTarget::File(ref mut file) => {
                    writeln!(file, $($message)*)
                        .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                            *logger = LoggerTarget::Stderr;
                                "Writing to log file failed ({})",


Well, that was a hell of a journey! I never expected to talk that much about mutation; at the beginning I just had that itch about people calling &mut _ a mutable reference and then seeing a lot of unsafe code that was unsound because of that misconception.

So, I hope you found this long rant interesting, and that it made you, if possible, more aware of the difficulty of writing actually sound unsafe code in Rust, while also appreciating the elegance of having delegated the cornerstone of most languages, aliased mutation, to a special construct in Rust: UnsafeCell-based structs. You know understand the beauty of &mut.


  1. mut is used:

    • either as a binding qualifier to make it “unique-aware” so that one can get a unique reference to it (e.g., to mutate),

    • or in the type of a reference, to express the fact that it such reference is guaranteed to be unique;

  2. Thus &mut T does not mean “mutable reference to a T”, but something stronger (and thus wildly more dangerous in unsafe code).

    The closest to “mutable reference” is either the raw mutable pointer *mut T, or, when talking as a reference, the aliasable &UnsafeCell<T>

    • This is called Interior Mutability (or Aliased Mutability), and can be used, for instance, to make some struct fields mutable even in an aliased context (c.f., Rc).

    • It is possible thanks to the magically sound API of UnsafeCell:

      &UnsafeCell<T> -> *mut T

  3. When T is Copy and without multi-threading, this unchecked construct can be used soundly, which leads to the Cell type, a zero-cost wrapper for C-like mutation.

    • For more complex types runtime checks are needed, which gives RefCell

    • This can be used to have mutable thread_local!(static)s.

  4. By using atomic types which are data-race-free, this aliased mutation can take place from multiple threads in parallel (Sync trait);

    • Based on these atomic primitives, a runtime-checked Sync wrapper can be made (RwLock or Mutex), for sound multi-threaded mutation on even the most complex types.

    • This can be used to have mutable statics / globals.

  1. except for the fact that a static can be limited to private scopes, such as when defined within a function’s body, or when defined within a mod with a non-pub path leading to it. [return]
  2. See Stacked Borrows [return]
  3. Actually two counters, to work with Weak references. I ignore them in my post, but for those interested, they are invited to read Rc’s documentation. [return]
  4. or written to [return]
  5. Contrary to most other languages, Rust does not try to feature a rich standard library; on the contrary, to offer a stable and always backwards-compatible language while also allowing continuous improvements, an ecosystem of ever-lasting external crates with semantic versioning is encouraged: Many of these crates are even maintained by the core team, ensuring the existence of well known and top quality crates, such as ::crossbeam. [return]
  6. ARM [return]
  7. For those wondering, generic mem::zeroed (and thus mem:uninitialized too) also belong to that room of shame. [return]
  8. It relies on using a classic static with UnsafeCell instead of static mut, minor a Sync consideration. [return]
  9. Upset robot [return]
  10. Although Cell::new and RefCell::new are both const fn [return]